Saturday, September 19, 2009


Jordan(#6) had his first real football game this week, he had a practice game last week. And I'm happy to say that he is doing pretty good! Since he played last year he has a little advantage over some of the players that are new this year. He has the heart but sometimes lacks the guts, so before the game I tried to bribe him with McDonald's for lunch if he did good. And it worked. He recovered a fumble. His team was down 12 to 6 with only a few minutes left so they did a Texas Tie breaker. The losing team gets 4 chances to score and then if they do the other team gets 4 chances. His team scored on the first try and got the extra point! So now they are winning but the green team has 4 chances to score. And guess who made a tackle to save the touch down from happening...JORDAN! I was shocked when I saw him take the other kid down. It's big improvement from last year and I hope he keeps it up. His coach told him that his picture was in the paper last week but I couldn't find it online but if I do I'll have to post it. Sorry I don't have any other pictures. I was on my own this week and Jayla whined the entire time saying.."i wanna go home" She's such a homebody.

...found a few pictures!


vicki said...

You go Jordan! You look like Uncle Brady out there! Go mom too...bribery will get you everywhere!! We miss you guys soooo much!
Love ya. Mom H

Josh and Jillian said...

Sweet! Glad he is doing well and having fun!

Katie said...

Broox is going to be so jealous when he sees these pics. (and you know what I mean) I am so glad that Jordan gets to play FB...and be the star. Awesome job Jordan! I loved the Jayla pics too. No you're not a bad mom...the pic was hilarious. Good news Jayla is in her own room! Now #3 might happen. :)

Nicolette said...

These are great pics, good job!

Jarmeg Family said...

way to go jordan!!!!!