Sunday, July 25, 2010

A few new pictures.......

Jordan's sister bought us these adorable matching outfits!! Unfortunately it's impossible to get Jayla to cooperate to take pictures...or to get her to do anything that I want lately. She's been quite the handul. How long do the terrible 2's last???

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sisterly Love?!?

Taliyah had her two month check up the other day. She now weighs 11 lbs 8 ozs (50th percentile) and 23 inches long (75th percentile) She had to get 3 shots. I feel so bad taking her to these appointments. They have no idea whats happening and then BAM!! She was fine for the first few hours and then she started screaming/crying and I couldn't do anything to soothe her. I put Taliyah in her swing because I needed to get something in the bedroom. When I was in there I noticed that she wasn't screaming as loud. I walked back into the living room to find out that Jayla had taken two pillows from the couch and put them over Taliyah. The screaming was really loud and Jayla thought she had found a great way to make it quieter. I've since had a few talks with her that we don't put things over Taliyah's face. Oh the joys of parenting!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Blessing Dress

I took some pictures of Taliyah in her blessing dress. She was blessed on June 27th after Stake Conference. My mom made the dress for her and she looked like a princess in it. It's hard to believe that she already 2 1/2 months old. She has been such a good baby. If I knew that all my children would be like this we might have 8....ok probably not but I do hope that all of her siblings are like her.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Grandma's Visit

My mom has already come and gone. It was nice having her here for a little bit. I think Jayla really wore her out. She just loved having all the attention and was go go go!! We tried to keep busy, as much as you can with a little baby. We went to the farmer's market, Ripley's Believe it or not, the pool, the beach, a scenic boat ride, magic show, and then a little mini trip to Orlando. Jayla loved seeing all the princess stuff and staying in a hotel, even though she slept sideways and took up the whole bed!! Little Jordan is off to Washington for the month and our house quieter,but Jayla does miss "Tordan" a lot.

On a side note, driving home from Orland we saw an alligator crossing the street here in St. Augustine...first one we've seen since we've moved here. And that's why I will NEVER go camping in Florida!!! Giant reptiles, bugs and thanks!

Matching outfits from Aunt cute!!

Blessing Taliyah