Thursday, March 25, 2010

34 Weeks and ALL baby!!

We went to the beach this weekend...first good day we have had in a long time! I wasn't very comfortable since I can't lay on my back, stomach, and sitting in the sand wasn't Jordan dug a hole for my belly so I could lay on my stomach!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How to get the deals...

My target trip- saved over $50 and only spend $19 which is pretty good since the movie was $18 and I didn't have a coupon for it. And the physicians formula make up is normally $10 how did I do it? COUPONS!!!

I've had a lot of my friends and family that don't live around me asking me how I get my deals. So I'll share some of my favorite websites and blogs. They do all the work for me. They go through the ads and do the coupon match ups. I just print or clip the coupon and make a list before I walk out the door. Planning is important. But using coupons doesn't that much work, just a few minutes of planning.

-Target, Publix and other stores that have store coupons will accept a store and a manufacture coupon on the same item. This is a good way to get overage. For example the kids toothpaste that I bought in the picture was $1.50. I had a target coupon for $1 off and manufacture coupon for I made .25. I know not much but it adds up!
-When something is on sale for buy one get one free (bogo) You can use 2 coupons because you are still buying 2 products. Another good way to get overage!
-Some coupons don't have size limits so look for the smaller sizes. In the picture above I used coupons for the travel size st. ive's, arm and hammer tooth paste and the little first aid kits. These sizes are great to have when you travel and free is always good!!
-Use coupons on clearance items.
-Look for rebates..I bought the bandaids in the picture to submit for a rebate for the princess and the frog dvd, I used coupons on the bandaids and got them for free so that makes the rebate even better!
-Shop at CVS!! I never stepped foot in CVS a year ago until my friends taught me how to shop there. It takes a little learning but once you get the hang of it you will never pay for tooth paste, deodorant, body wash, shampoo...The way you do it is you find out what is on sale that week that gives you Extra Bucks. You buy that item and then use the Extra Bucks on your next purchase that gives you Extra Bucks. So the goal is to "roll" the extra bucks each week and spend very little out of pocket. Walgreens and Rite Aide also have similar programs but I just stick with CVS.

My Favorite Websites: -She has some great videos that explain how to coupon at different stores

There are so many out there...these are just a few.
Happy couponing!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

St. Patricks day and more deals!!

I tried to make St. Patrick's day fun for this kids. Jordan thinks that I really get into holidays and birthdays but I guess that's because that's what my Mom did. Cut my sandwiches into different shapes on holidays and on St. Patrick's day we always had a green meal. So this year I made green pancakes for breakfast. For dinner I tried to make everything as green as I could with out making it look gross. I made orange chicken ( which I decided to leave alone) green rice, broccoli, and shamrock shaped bread sticks. And dessert was green cheesecake bars. I know it's a little dorky, but hopefully it will be fun times that my kids will remember forever.

Now on to the deals...
At cvs I got 2 crest mouth washes, 2 men's deodorant, draino, Gillette hair gel and breast pads (exciting I know!!) The total after coupons was $8, I paid with a $8 extra buck and got back $9 in extra bucks.
At Target they had lots of good crayola stuff on clearance, I love that stuff for Jayla but it can be so expensive! And I got some free air wick air fresheners, hand soap and baby soap.
But the best deal I got was at Kmart...which I normally NEVER shop at except when they do double coupon days (which is coming up!) I wanted to buy Jayla the Princess and the Frog. We haven't seen it yet but I hear it's really good. When you bought the movie and the princess doll you got $10 off. So after all my coupons I paid $1.64 (tax included) for the dvd and doll. There are 3 rebates out there and I will probably submit for at least that means after I get my $5 rebate I'll actually make money.Pretty sweet deal!
I know in a few weeks I won't be able to run out to the store as easily as I can know, so I'll enjoy it while I can.

I'm 33 weeks and can't wait for this new baby to come! I'm excited to see what see looks like and how Jayla will be when her new sister comes. I'm also excited to be able to sleep on my stomach, walk up the stairs without getting winded, fit into pants without elastic and to stop going to the bathroom every 20 minutes!! Oh what women do for their children!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Jordan doing some heavy lifting. I'm not really sure what to say other than Jayla loved it!

Jayla loves getting mail!

Watching TV from her tent

I know that there are more people in our family than just Jayla, but I spend all day with her and she is always begging me to take her picture, and how can I resist...she's so darn cute!

Is it May yet?

I'm starting to get anxious! Jordan is very busy with school so I have had a lot of time around the house getting things ready. I feel like everytime I go out I get all sorts of fun little comments. "you look like you are having triplets." "You look like you are ready to pop!" Just alittle suggestion, these comments may seem funny but in reality only one of us is laughing.
I think that I have just about everything I need, finding places to stash everything has been fun! I counted 7 bags of size 1 diapers, 3 bags of newborn diapers (they look so tiny!!) and 15 bags of wipes. I won't have to go to store for any late night diaper runs! I've found some really good deals lately. And to make the deals even better the huggies diapers have rewards codes and I've won a $10 gift card, $25 towards our electric bill and a free package of diapers. Never knew I could get diapers so cheap!
Jordan and I have been trying to settle on a name and I think we have one picked out but we just want to make sure it is right. So we are going to keep it quiet until it's final...sorry!!
Jayla has been a busy busy little girl. It seems like she never stops and with my growing tummy it's hard to keep up! She has such a little imagination. She loves to pretend play with food and other toys. The other day she spend hours in a Tupperware box just playing. It's so nice when she can keep herself entertained!
Little Jordan took his FCAT tests at school last week. It's his first real test and it will be interesting to see how he did! Jordan will be going to Washington this summer to spend so time with family and he's really excited. Seems like that kid gets to fly on a plane more than any other kid i know!

Sorry it's boring, I tried to load some pictures but it wasn't working.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Quarantine is finally over!! or at least I hope so!!

The past week has not been fun!! It started last Monday morning with Jordan. Then Wednesday it hit Jayla (in the car of course!). It finally struck me in the middle of the night Saturday night. Little Jordan was the last victim, he gave into it at lunch at school. What was it....the dreaded 24 hour Flu!!! It seems like finally our family has gotten rid of this nasty bug. Maybe now I'll be able to get out of the house. I'm getting cabin fever!! I've done a lot of organizing in Jayla's room, making room for the baby. I've even gotten out the newborn clothes. I figured I might as well while I feel up to it and I'm stuck inside!
But now the weather is starting to get warmer and we are feeling's time to get outside and play before it's too hot!!