The car!!!
If you can't tell it's supposed to look like a football....of course it would be a ball!!
If you can't tell it's supposed to look like a football....of course it would be a ball!!
So in the last post I put that I hope that the wheels will stay on and he'll win at least a couple of races...well only one of those came true. The wheels stayed on but sadly we built the slowest car. I think that he had the coolest looking car, if only they took into account style points! He seemed a little bummed out but after the boy scout derby they did a lot of racing for fun and he did win a few races so that helped bring his spirits back up! He had a fun time and maybe next year we'll learn the secret to a fast car!
This week hasn't been that fun. Jordan woke up monday feeling sick and even came home from class. And of course he had a busy week full of tests and group projects, it seems to always happen that way. On Wednesday Jayla was complaining that her tummy hurt, but I just thought it was because she was hungry. She proved me wrong when she threw up all over in the car. She slept the rest of the day. Nothing is worse than sick kids!! I hope that our family is done with colds and flus!!
Even though she was sick she still wanted me to take her picture! Poor little girl!