Friday, May 7, 2010

One picture...many more to come!!

I'm sure I'll be taking lots of pictures...but here is one that I really like. That newborn squished face is starting to go away. She's been such a good baby. She only wakes up once a night (normally I wake her up) and she'll sleep for 6 hours. On Monday she went to the doctor for a 4 day old check up, she weighed 7lbs 9 ozs. That's only 1 oz less than her birth weight so we are really happy with her gaining it back. It took Jayla a long time to get back to her birth weight. So far these girls look alike but are different in a lot of ways. Jayla didn't sleep much and wasn't interested in eating (still isn't!!) and Taliyah sleeps well and loves to eat. We feel so blessed to have this little girl with us!


Kirsten said...

She is a gorgeous little baby! I wish I could hold her!! Hope she stays that good for you!

TJay and Jenni said...

Congratulations you guys!! She is b-e-a-utiful!! I hope things are going well.