Taliyah loves to be held and I love to hold her but I can't hold her all day. Someone gave us this little bouncer seat and a matching swing. I didn't have one of these with Jayla because I thought they were kind of stupid...but I LOVE IT!!! Taliyah loves to be bounced so I put her in this and bounce it up and down with my foot. It's been the only way I can eat dinner!!
She's such a good girl. Some nights she sleeps until 5:30 and she has never woken up crying during the night, I hope that she keeps this up! She's getting big all ready. She's smiled a few times and I can't for more of them!
I can't believe how big she is getting...and smiling! I want to hold her!
I can't believe you never had one of those! I actually didn't use it much with Brynlee but a ton with the other 2-Dyl always ate his baby food in it (that was before bumbo seats!) but the first 2 loved theirs!
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