Sunday, August 2, 2009

Summer time!

Our family has spent a lot of time at the pool this summer. Jayla is starting to turn into a fish! I bought her some arm floaties and she loves them! It gives her freedom, which we both like. She still unsure about putting her head underwater but She'll get there!

Since Jordan has to be at church early I have to try to get the rest of us to church on time looking our Sunday best. This morning I picked out a very pretty dress for Jayla. I said "Jayla, you look so pretty in your pretty dress." Then Jayla ran out of the room and came back with a pair of new shoes that I got her at Target. When we got them I told her they were pretty princess shoes. Well Jayla was set in her ways that the pretty shoes need to go with the pretty dress. I guess I decided I need to choose my battles and this isn't one that I need to win. So with her fancy dress Jayla wore sparkly pink tennis shoes! She already has her own fashion style!

Jordan went to football camp this week. He is in PAL football, the police athletic league. He did this last year and we were really impressed. The police officers take time out of their lives to coach and teach these kids about football and leadership. It's perfect for Jordan. At camp they did a punt, pass and kick competition. Jordan got 3rd place! They only gave out 4 awards and Jordan got one. He received the Hussle award! Because he's always ready to volunteer and help if only that were true at home! But take a look at the trophy, it looks like the Hulk in a football uniform!


Nicolette said...

Congrats little Jordan!!!! That is awesome:)

vicki said...

Way to go Jordan! I knew you were a hustler! And Miss Jayla is growing up toooo fast! I'd love a copy of the picture of her in her princess dress! She is Adorable