Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We have been working at potty training Jayla for alittle over a week and it's going pretty good. We are taking a casual approach. When we are home she is wearing panties but when we go out I'm still keeping her a diaper. She's done really good. Today when she was out at the playground she told me she needed to go and she held it until we made it inside. And yesterday when we were at McDonald's she said she had to go and went in a "big" potty for the first time! She's doing good and we are very proud of her!

(Since she has been potty training she's been naked...ALOT!)

And for those of you who aren't here to witness my growing tummy here's a picture. It's really started to pop out lately! Our little girl is very active and she doesn't stop moving. Jayla got to feel her for the first time. When the baby kicked her hand she quickly pulled it off and looked at me with a puzzled look. I think she is starting to understand and she is getting excited for her baby sister to "come out!"


Jarmeg Family said...

your tummy is growing and you look great! jayla is doing such a great job at potty training!!!

vicki said...

Hooray for Jayla! She is such a big girl! You look cute Lacey! I can't wait for May!