Friday, April 9, 2010

Disney on Ice!!!

This is the craziest smile I have ever seen, cute and alittle creepy at the same time!

The fireworks scared her.

Disney on Ice came to Jacksonville and I was going to get tickets when they first came out but I didn't know how I would feel and it's hard to plan something like that with Jordan's schedule. But at the last minute a friend ended up with some extra tickets we were was actually we decided to go. I didn't know if Jayla would be able to sit through it but she LOVED it!! It was so cute to see her watch the show. She loved the Princesses. She got scared of the Beast and all the fireworks. It was so much fun taking the family, even Mom and Dad enjoyed the show...we felt like kids again!!


Tabitha said...

you got good pictures-jayla is so cute!

Unknown said...

Your little girl is so cute! She has beautiful curls!

The Days said...

Saw you had a blog on facebook! Jordan is getting so grown up and your sweet little Jayla is adorable! Hope you guys are loving Florida...sure beats Rexburg!