Saturday, October 17, 2009

Grab your winter gear!

This is the time of year where it is hard for me to live in Florida. The Fall is my favorite season. I love the leaves changing color, caramel apples, hay rides, pumpkin patches, cool crisp evenings...but that doesn't happen here. You see the sweaters in the stores but realize that you don't have a need for a new sweater because you only got to wear the one from last year 4 times. But something amazing happened today! It got below 90 degrees! I think I heard that the high is only supposed to be in the low 70's. This morning for Jordan's game it was actually chilly outside. I got to dress Jayla in a cute little sweatsuit. I'm used to seeing her in a t-shirt and shorts so it's cute to see her in something different. You should have seen everyone at the football game, wrapped up in blankets, hats, scarves, and winter coats. And after the game Jordan wasn't dripping with sweat. Don't get me wrong there are some great advantages to living in Florida during this time of year...we don't have to scrap windows in the morning, kids can play outside year-round, and for halloween the kids can actually wear their costumes without a coat over them. But I'm thankful for these few Fall days that we get, I know soon it will be over.

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